Prosthetics v1.0
This mod uses chunk 5200, 5201, 5202 and 5202.
– The MMC’s arms are chunk 5200.
– The MMC’s legs are chunk 5201.
– The FMC’s arms are chunk 5202.
– The FMC’s legs are chunk 5203.
Important notes:
– You can only have one arm prosthetic mod installed at the same!
– You can only have one leg prosthetic mod installed at the same!
– You can have both fmc & mmc prosthetics installed all the same time.
– This will effect NPCs if they have an outfit other than their usual robes.
– Will not be compatible with any mod that changes the mesh of the base game arms or socks!
– Will not be compatible with any mod that uses the same chunks!
– The bathing suit for the mmc will have a sock texture on the leg unfortunately.
– I might make a metal version later.
How to install the:
– Download any of the arm and leg zip files.
– Unzip the zip file.
– Choose only ONE leg or arm folder.
– Take the 3 pack files out and drop the 3 pak files in your mod~ folder.
– Start the game.
– Done!
How to uninstall both manually:
– Delete the 3 pak files.
– Done!
The legs & arms are personally remodeled by me using the in-game Mannequin model.