Toggle HUD v1.04
Toggle all HUD on/off with a single key press in Hogwarts Legacy.
This mod simply allows you to quickly toggle all HUD elements on/off with a single key press (Caps Lock by default, but this can be changed).
Along with toggling off HUD elements, it’ll also toggle off the depth of field effect that occurs while in the “T” menu, this way you can effectively pause the game with that menu, then toggle the HUD off and take a screenshot during an “action” moment (see my screenshots above for an example).
- Latest version of ReShade with full add-on support (second option) from here
- Latest version of ShaderToggler (first zip, not the x86 version) from Github
- Install ReShade to the game by selecting HogwartsLegacy.exe in this location:
steamapps\common\Hogwarts Legacy\Phoenix\Binaries\Win64 - Place the ShaderToggler.addon you downloaded from Github into the same folder as above
- Place my ShaderToggler.ini you’ve downloaded into this same folder
- Boot up the game and use Caps Lock to toggle the HUD on/off
While in-game press the Home key to bring up the Reshade UI, go to the “Add-ons” tab, and select “Edit” under ShaderToggler to pick a new hotkey. Click “OK”, then “OK” again, then finally “Save all Toggle Groups”.
Simply delete ShaderToggler.ini
A huge thank you to Frans Bouma, the creator of Shader Toggler! This wouldn’t have been possible without them.