Year One to Seven – Reshade
A Bunch of ReShade Presets inspired by the different color profiles and aesthetics from the Harry Potter film franchise.
Created for my Personal use. Sharing it here for people who want to get a feel of the movies in their playthroughs.
Seven Versions Available:
>> Year One
>> Year Two
>> Year Three
>> Year Four
>> Year Five
>> Year Six
>> Year Seven
The Screenshots I provided are on Ultra Settings. The Look might be a little different depending on what graphic settings you use.
Step 1: Download Year One to Seven Preset
1. Download Year One to Seven Preset under the files tab
2. Extract the zip file to a location you can access
Step 2: Download & Install Reshade
1. Download Reshade 5.4.2 from https://reshade.me/
2. Run the installer
– When prompted select ‘HogwardLegacy.exe’ Choose the .exe in the Phoenix folder
– Uninstall or modify previous reshade if prompted
3. Select preset to install
– Browse for the folder you just extracted and select the Year you want to continue installation. You can also choose to install them all
4. Select effects (all effects are automatically installed, so just click next)
5. Wait for installation to finish and start your game
– The upper right corner should tell you if Reshade loaded correctly, if not then try to install again.
Personally, my favorites are the Y2, 4 and 7 presets.